Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Our First Full Week In Australia

Hi everyone,

Here are some pics of our first full week here in Australia. We visited family and travelled around Moe (Pronounced Moey) and picked up Kate's car (THANKS KATE!)

Friday Barb took us around Moe. (Remember you can click on any photo to enlarge)

Above is a picture of Yallourn and the local Power Station. Yallourn used to be an old coalmine

We spotted a Wombat at Lake Narracan. Natalie hoped out of the car and bravely took this photo. These mammals are as common as our racoons.

Notice Natalie driving from the opposite side of the car. You will probably not see too many pictures of Greg driving as Natalie has to direct instead of snapping photos. Driving in Australia is different not only because you drive on the opposite side of the car and road, there are very few stop signs and stop lights. Instead there are round-a-bouts. Round-a-bouts eliminate stopping for several minutes at stop lights. The driver yields to the car on the right and then proceeds to go left, straight through, right or continues around the round-a-bout for a u-turn.
What a novel idea. That's right why not have a drive through liquor store! A.k.a Bottle Shop. Oh yes...Good times. One of our first trips out included stopping a bottle shop and picking up one of Australia's finest beers. VB or Victoria Bitter.

I am evil Greggy... I am evil Greggy.... well not as evil as you may think. Australia allows passengers to drink freely in the vehicle although the driver may not.

Saturday included watching Mick's footy game. Unfortunately the weather was poor, as it was cold and rainy and the Bombers were flogged 100 to 45. On top of that we forgot the camera. Thank God there was a bar at the game. Pictures probably would not have came out that well anyway...
We then went out with the much talked about Uncle Larry. Pictures once again are not available, good thing we reckon.
We ended up at the Stockyard, a restaurant up in the hills. They served huge dinners and copious amounts of beer to us.
The best phrase to sum up the evening is VB, Boag beer then Bunaberg Rum/Wild Turkey + Carlton Draught = Puddle

Good times...

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