Sunday, May 13, 2007

Kate's Adventures In T.O. Continue

Friday May 11, 2007

Visit to Casa Loma, Toronto, ON

This time Kate and Greg went to Toronto to visit Casa Loma, a medieval castle that overlooks Toronto.
Armed with only the combined sense of direction that some compare to a blindfolded kid waving a stick around searching for the pinata, and with directions from Mapquest (which obviously was created by someone who has taken too many blows from pinata sticks to the head) we headed for historic Casa Loma.
We ran into troubles right away with street signs. It is rumored if you are not a 10 1/2 foot tall man or woman who can read braille, you will miss every street sign in Toronto, as the signs are either well hidden or high and small enough that possibly only the hubble telescope to view. Sufice to say we missed our intended cut-offs several times.
Luckly people like to help out lost Aussie's as Kate asked several times where such in such street was. With perseverance we found the castle. Here's what we saw. If you look closely the CN Tower is in the background of a couple of the pics.

Natalie and Kate's T.O. Adventure Part Two

Next, Kate and I went to The CN Tower. We went up the elevator with a group of very annoying grade 8 graduates all dressed up in their dresses. The only way we could deal with it was to become one of them.

The CN Tower is the largest free standing building in the world(just in case you didn't know.)

1. Looking down at downtown Toronto
2. Looking down at Toronto Harbour, Lake Ontario
3. Looking down at The Steam Whistle Brewery
4. Looking throught the glass floor
5. Kate and I with the Polar Bear at the Gift Shop

Natalie and Kate's T.O. Adventure Part One

May 09, 2007 Toronto, ON

Kate and I first went to the Steam Whistle Brewing to drink some beer and take a tour through one of our local breweries. Below is the filtration, bottle washing and a really bad picture of Kate blowing the steam whistle.

The brewery was once a round house for the coal trains that were shut down in the 1950's when gas trains took over. Steam Whistle beer is only made up of four ingredients: barley, hops, water and yeast.

Heeeeere's Kate

Kate relaxing on the deck.

JJ still loves getting his picture taken. Tee Hee

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Adventure Begins In Three Weeks

In only three weeks we will be off to Australia.

We leave Canada on May 28th and land in Australia May 30th.

Natalie's cousin Kate arrived in Ontario from Kelowna, BC this past Friday. Kate flew up from Australia last October and has been working in Whistler for the past seven months.

Pictures of her arrival coming soon.