Friday, August 10, 2007

Billabong Sauctuary - Townsville, Queensland

Next up was the city of Townsville, where we found another pleasant surprise in the Billabong Sanctuary. Along with a fantastic keeper talk on the crocodile, we watched one get fed and held a small one. There was also a very informative talk on the Cassowary, Koala and Dingo. Both of us held a koala as well, which was pretty damn cool.

What a beauty!

Click on this one and check out the eyes... eerie

It is breeding season for the fruit bat. They were all over the place.

This wallaby came right up to Natalie. They are free ranging but obviously fed very well.

"You aren't going anywhere Natalie"

The beautiul and endangered Cassawary.

Is this little guy cute as a button?

Yummy yummy eucalyptus.

What are you looking at? My food.

Greg holding the cute Koala

Natalie holding the cute little koala as well.

Greg holding on to a croc.
Natalie holding Mr. Croc as well. The texture is so soft.

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