Monday, June 25, 2007

Melbourne With Larry - June 21, 2007

Larry took us into Melbourne today. Three of his four step children live in Melbourne and the youngest, Victoria, has only been here for two months. We decided to visit here and hire her as our guide as she had the day off school.
This is where Victoria lives with three other people. The building was built in 1883 and was the first Salvation Army in Melbourne.

This is the park across the road from Victoria's flat. She is only a two minute walk from downtown. It's a very nice, clean city.

This is where they dropped lead and made bullets for the war. It is located in Melbourne Central which is now a train station as well as a mall.
This is where you will find Ned Kelly's suit of armour. This is the Melbourne Library. We were too late to see the armour as it closes at 5pm. Beautiful old buildings though. This is located right in the downtown.

This is a free Tram that has an automated tour around Melbourne. It gave brief decriptions of places of interest. It was very interesting and gave us a nice feel for the city and what it has to offer.

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