Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hi everyone,

Because of the flooding in Victoria and New South Wales we decided to start our first trip inland.

After nine days we are currently in Emerald, which is roughly 2 days from Cairns. Cairns is located in north eastern Australia. Once we get there we will head down the coast back towards Victoria. Victoria is still getting a fair amount of rain but the floods have supsided.

We have viewed some beautiful caves, National Parks, gorges and the Dubbo Zoo along the way. Paul both of us were thinking of you on all of the bush hikes in the National Parks.

We have seen copious amounts of Kangaroos and Wallabies, an even a cute little Echidna, which is close to our Porcupine minus the ablity to shoot their quills.

We even ran into a black snake on one of our hikes. Greg's famous words were "Oh .... @%F%!" No he did not scream like a little girl, but by all accounts he ran like one.

We later found out that it was dangerous and poisonous. Good times!

The weather steadily got warmer driving north as we expected. As the days reach the high 20s to 30s the nights dip down to the single digits. Should be even higher in Cairns.

We have put roughly 2,300 km's on the car so far and spent easily $700 in fuel.

As we have to hit Internet cafes and libraries we will have to update photos at a later date.

Hope all is well in Canada. Keep Enjoying your summer.

Carpe Diem

Natalie and Greg

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